Minister of Women Empowerment and Family takes women to the positive direction towards the needed success in the business world
The Minister for Women Empowerment and the Family Marie Therese Abena Ondoa last October 10th chaired the opening of a three days’ workshop in Douala that empowered some 100 women in entrepreneurship, in different domains. The meeting that gathered female entrepreneurs from different part of the wourri division had as theme “let’s talk entrepreneurship”. Like it is often said, building a woman is building a nation. Minister Marie Therese Ondoa cooked up this workshop to come out with some pertinent suggestions that will contribute to the growth of female entrepreneurship in the country as such, build up the woman’s fanatical autonomy that will in turn make a stronger economy.
During the meeting the minister did not fail to underline that the issue of female economic empowerment and that of female entrepreneurship counts among government priority in the putting in place of the National Development Strategy of 2030. The “let’s talk Female Entrepreneur initiative” is a platform to build capacity of women, exchange and share experiences between successful heads of enterprises and young entrepreneurs. A situation where coaching and mentoring is carried out in a bit to ameliorate the competitiveness of their goods and services, not forgetting the performance of their enterprises.
However, there will never be successes without obstacles. Female entrepreneurs in the country still have their difficulties, which justifies the reason why they should come together and share experiences so as to easily find a way forward. The more successful once will show the way to the newcomers. It is important to stress out to the female entrepreneurs that quality is primordial in whatever goods or services they produce in other to attract the attention of consumers. Also the packaging is the next step, when packaging meets success, entrepreneurial success is assured.
Nevertheless it is also important to underline that capacity building seminars of this sorts are very important to entrepreneurs if the come up very often, not only in Douala but in all the major towns and cities of the country.