After a devastating attack on his troops on ground by Boko Haram, the Chadian president Mahamad Idris Deby has issued a communique saying that he will quit the Multi National Joint Task Force because of the lack of adequate coordination in the work that is being done in the field
Chad is threatening to withdraw its troops from the Multi National Joint Task Forces, MNJF after an attack from Boko Haram claimed about 40 soldiers in his rank. The Chadian army lost some men on the field after fierce fighting against the terrorist around the Lac Chad Basin. The Chadian Pertinent Mahamat Idris Deby very angry about the loss thinks that there is lack of coordination in their work on ground, so he announced Sunday 10th October 2024 that he will be withdrawing his troops though he did not give a precise date.
The Multi National Joint Task Forces were created in 1994 but only got engaged in the mission of fighting against terrorist in 2012 with the arrival of Boko Haram attacks in countries around Lac Chad Basin in the likes of Nigeria, Cameroon, Chad, Niger some couple of years back so that the terrorist group could be curbed. However it is important to note that at the time late President Idris Deby of Chad was very present in the field of action and results were evident.
Consequently to the devastating attack, President Mahamat Deby visited the Lac Chad Province, he quickly reorganized his forces and build up tactics in an operation called the Haskanite to adapt to the asymmetric war methods of the terrorist, localize and counter them. So that the population could be protected too.